JACL Honolulu Condemns Anti-Asian Violence

We stand in solidarity with the victims, survivors, and families of those slain on Tuesday, March 16, 2021 in the mass shootings that took place at three spas in Atlanta, Georgia. We join with our national JACL to mourn the senseless killings, including those of our Asian sisters and others, and to demand an end to violence.  We ask government officials in Georgia and the United States to conduct a thorough and fair investigation that takes into account the victims and their dignity.  We also call on our government officials to actively work to combat fear, hatred, and racism.  Georgia is geographically distant from us, yet the racism and issues that arise in Georgia remain close.  We are not immune to racism here in Hawai`i.  We must continue to be vigilant in our efforts to keep everyone safe.  We live in an especially diverse community and honoring our differences is what truly makes us stronger.