2012 Annual General Membership Meeting
To view invitation please click here
Saturday, October 13, 2012
At the Harbor View Center
1129 North Nimitz Highway
(Above Nico’s at Pier 38)
10:15 a.m. General Membership Meeting Registration
10:30 a.m. General Membership Meeting (all are welcome; voting by members)
10:30 – 11:00 a.m. Luncheon Registration; No-Host Bar Open
11:30 a.m. Luncheon Program
Members: $50 Go to: www.jacl.org to become a member of the JACL Honolulu Chapter.
Guests: $100
Platinum Sponsors – $5,000
Gold Sponsors – $2,500
Silver Sponsors – $1,500
This year we recognize two outstanding community leaders whose work has meaningfully affected the arc of justice for our Micronesian community: the law firm Alston Hunt Floyd & Ing for their extensive pro bono work on Micronesian issues and Dina Shek, Esq., director of the University of Hawaii Medical-Legal Partnership serving the large Micronesian community in Kalihi Vallley. The award presentations will be made at our Annual General Membership meeting and Awards Luncheon.